
Christopher High

Follow Well

John 3: Born Again Hoboken Grace Podcast

  1. John 3: Born Again
  2. John 2: The Passion of Jesus

Welcome to the thoughts of a seeker in Hoboken, NJ. For over 15 years I’ve been able to pastor and plant churches in the NYC area and invite you to join me on the journey as I continue to pursue the mission I believe God has called me to: Follow Well!

Explore the most recent posts!

Authentic To?

We had an excellent conversation as a staff a short time ago that helped me put into words something I’ve believed for some time but struggled to express concerning authenticity. As I shared it, many struggled at first with the concept, because it’s so foreign to how our culture engages this word it loves to…


Early on as a pastor (most would say I’m still early on as a pastor) one of my greatest struggles was found in the battle between consistency and creativity. I knew that my ability to engage those around me with the message of Jesus Christ required a tremendous amount of creativity. As a church we…


I was asked a question the other day that has been on my mind quite frequently.  What things are present in your life that help you grow?  Now, usually this is a simple question because it’s often asked by someone who is not taking time to experience Him in their life.  They aren’t listening to…

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Anthony & Chris in the Morning!
Join us as we walk through our daily Bible reading plan every weekday morning!
Going Out With A Bang
  1. Genesis 50
  2. Genesis 48
  3. Genesis 47
Let’s Grab Lunch
Take Sunday’s conversation to a whole new level every Tuesday as Chris and Anthony go deeper into Sunday’s content.

Hot Honey Let's Grab Lunch

  1. Hot Honey
  2. Getting SNL Tickets
  3. For/From